# ClimateChange #PresidentialDebate #PolitticalCorruption |
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A Linkedin delivered newsletter "The Prospector Knows" by Barry Murray, photo by author, Copyright 2024 © Macandmurray.com. Sometimes reachable at FrontDesk@MiningMagazines.com, or possibly reachable through a 1998 issued phone number of 503-753-5868 (and identify yourself to "Miz Bobby", that also has been under attack.The contents of this web site may be freely shared intact as an Adobe Acrobat PDF, but any plagiarism of actual free speech independent thought paragraphs thrown out of context by an Artificial Intelligence machine to puree content for what is slowly being exposed as an radical Republican deep state blender — as oft pointed out with an realic index finger, where the folded back fingers tragectory is backfired when the thumb-hammer the point is dropped on an explosive comment.
This "Mining Law of 1872" Prudent Man Prospector's web site concerns the interests "Earth First Persons" screaming back to a TV screen at a strings-attached MAGA=manipulated, talking head "spokesperson", fluent in 'Neanderthal'. They usually are also recognizable as a "love of money" profit — did I misspell 'phropet', which was somewhat saved by an opposite meaning Ai spell check? You understand that I am politely referencing a "Political Profit Puppet" (PPP) flapping lips, spewing out dribbled on to a red tie lies, who is acutely very proud of taking the US out of the Paris Accords. So, impressed with his Art of Negotiating with his Legal Skills, lately Dur Fhuer seems to be demanding a SCOTUS approved Gratuity, will really will be used to save his politically incorrect financing of a Deep State World. As a Wealth of the Earth First Businessman (WEFB) businessman, my list of some really big bad boy, multinational, love of money, Billionaires, supporting the growth potential of Climate Change are peddling not very logical, "fake science answers" to stop a "fake science Global Warming. And as very GREEN Asperger's thinkers, along with some real accidental billionaires as —Elon, and his friend Doctor Sheldon Cooper; Steve Jobs that also was voted out of his own company; Warren, a friend of , Billy, and Malinda, inventors of the separating toilet; and a bashful Sir or two, and the Sweetish Miz Greta Thunberg (currently suing her own nation) — real GREEN heroes who advocate that real natural wealth should be treated as manure, spread about to help things grow. Globally concerned also that know that reel Climate Change Catastrophes can only be reversed by the intended use of Creator's (a multicultural, multi-party) word for GOD, however it is spelled in The News of the Wold / Wall Street Journal. My personal point here, for being personally attacked (partially for being an accredited freelance "Journalist" that has been published in LIFE when it was a weekly at the top of Print magazines; plus Holiday, Popular Mechanics, Scope of South Africa, etc, and robbed by MAGA mobster's in big-tired pickups flying a false flag, pretending they were Patriots; when I had four mining/Celtic great something Grandfathers in my family tree at the Revolutionary War battle of Kings Mountain in the Carolinas that set up a final victory of Yorktown. We also took a little trip with Jackson down the Mississippi to whip some more losers stupidly strutting around, as Englishmen and mad dogs do, proudly wearing red. I am one mad Scots/Irish anti-slavery Democrat for having my popular choice vote for Presidential Candidate, the former VP Al Gore, lost in a phony Florida election of the hanging chad voters—who now are paying the price of a raising ocean, being flooded out by polluted rivers. How can I report this as fact? I have a brother-in-law also suffering from "DeSantionest" rule, that has sail powered, dual keel bottom, shallow draft yacht, and have crewed for him recording "brown brown, run aground ; blue, blue, sail on through " explorations in the doomed Florida Keys. Beside the Republicans muddying an Electoral College (not to be considered a Trump University credit) learning experience election on the way to a one man/ one vote Democracy into an Autocracy AKA "SuperPac" that could legally raise money to fund, something just approved by SCOTUS as a "Gratuity" support for unknown to the voting public "payoffs'? Especially egregious when it comes to controlling Planatory Matters v Extortionist Elements, which really could have been a SCOTUS decision, except that looser Gore, being a suspect "incomplete" Asperger's, specifically steps down in a "gementalamy honored way" to editorialize, on a free and open Internet he was instrumental is developing, to publicize "An Inconvenient Truth" that introduced to many the number one and two taglines #GLOBALWARMING, which was politically laughed by right wing radicals until #CLIMATECHANGE came knocking on voters back-doors. This protest over a politicized talking to a death point, for resources financial gain that is is NOT A POLITICAL REBBUTIAL, endlessly arguing the truth of one of the causes of the weather beating down the choice of building materials used by the Brothers Pig when trying to build affordable housing. I can offer those who did not choose to be house-less a suggestion they accept my gift of self governing Https://FoamKrete.com, that might find a class action suit, perhaps helped with a Gonzo Journalism report that, only second behind transportation that... switching to a politicized banner mode that withstands fact checking: |
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Anyhow, truth is, I realize a need for a small army to help support the Obama-Biden decision to close down the burning of coal, which is a Presidential support decision that can be supported as a real answer to the Climate Change Debate, which the Republicans have decided was less that 5% percent of importance in an upcoming election— concerning Climate Change outside your backyard window. This really should be uniformity answered could be through an legal individual "Prudent Man" action without any $million dollar investor certification) buying in-place uniform assay value on a PROVEN length x width x visible depth sill nepheline syenite ore by the ton, as reported in a USGS Rock Standard Bulletin (working with the closed down Bureau of Mines facility just over the mountain in Albany, Oregon) and the Oregon Department of Minerals Industry, and numerous consulting geologists findings. My https://WesternMiner.com, the second URL which would become https://MiningMagazines.com supporter, noted for being a whistle blower over Congress trying to cover over the US dependency on Chinese Rare Earths, by hiding ownership of Idaho's mineral wealth by using the study on the "River of No Return Wilderness", to lock me out of what the USFS pushed through, excluding my government assayed Titanium + $20 per ounce AU claims (being reserved as a critically needed dam site, in what became the Senator"Frank Church Wilderness". This, as a gratuity for honoring his managing the Wilderness Act of 1964 and authoring (and editing?) the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, which allowed some claim holders on Big Creek to use the USGS published ounces per foot sampling to patent "hunting camp claims" existing inside what had been the previous, established "River of No Return Wilderness Area", which also "locked up" some other "rare and strategic minerals" that contained REES, that had been validated during my visits to the Albany Bureau of Mines research facility, which was closed down as a cost saving measure, as apparently is was only one perhaps me that benefited from this free service, other than Teledyne Wah Chang that somehow became connected with a Union Carbide that had 60 Minutes ("Minerals" Reporter) Leslie Stahl baffled as to how America's only source of REEs, was going bankrupt. Enough of that! This old "TheProspector.com" magazine writer/photographer wants to retire to a "High Lonesome, 85 year old " leave me alone "Desert Rat" lifestyle , headed out in a FWD Class B motor home lab/office to go back to stake some previous rocks I had banged on to decide again if it was classified "Guess-Your-Right" or "Leave-It-Right-There". But, as I have been spending a large fortune to end up with a small one out of my 250 Million Measured Tons of 74% Al2O3/SiO2 Geopolymer that will be marketed as https://ZEROcarbon-Cement.com to replace the greenhouse gas producing —10% yearly, and growing— of old fashioned Portland Cement® which is why I personally have been trashed by a financially strong PCA that does not know how to fight fair. Come on my, sex interest pretend girlfriend (I am a after-all am 85-years of age) signed on to your dream This, to the point of SCOTUS handing down a decision against the Teamsters Union demonstration that "quick mix concrete trucks" really had no competition in ECO-Housing-America.com affordable construction technique of batch mixing on-site to pump a finer bubble mix to a 3D concrete printer— or as a individually owned owned https:// FoamKrete.com has shown by building a 2" wide x 4" tall frame, with door and window openings supported by PCV conduit pipe sheaths for plumbing and electrical wiring, laying on a outside wall disposable/ recycled mat (shake, ship-lap, brick, ashlar?) then tipped up to bolt together with a solar smart roof, that also is a rainwater harvester for a sub-basement boat floor pad to keep everything together. Confused? Then wonder why https://foamkrete.com (and www.WesternMiner.com} has been so discriminated against against for not going along with "the yellow pages" system of search engines that took over a system that could track Disney's ability to track "information highway" offenders. Do the powers that be worry about union members taking over a resource company so that argument about wages will no longer be a "profit problem"? I know this is confusing for those who think they understand banking, hedge funds, private placement jargon that goes flying past to an "initial please informational request", so let a almost looser for signing away ECO-Mining-Milling Limited Cooperative Association over to a appointed to by me Secretary/Treasure that already had control of an authorized checking account in a bank that did not have my name on file, for I was already covered by a lawyer, a funds manager, and a promised sale to a national concrete corporation... in case I at 84-years of age accidentally drove my FWD (also stolen) off of a cliff. Which is why you should not trust a fake "ECO-Minerals-Stockpile LLC", nor accept any unauthorized stock with a classy certificate for ECO-Roman-Cement. Going back now, with a Bureau of Land Management acceptance of my BLM claims, that has my single signer Table Mountain Plan of Action, as explained on and an up to dated recording of paying, for my own interests, for my own interests in holding the recognized "real property" mineral rights, safely "grandfathered in" . Know that anyone with an ore bill of sale certificate with my signature, contact me, with an affidavit of how you were suckered in, and I personally will cover your "investment" loss. Now, before contacting me personally (not a 15% of my position) promoter who felt my share-the-wealth tactics to get into production was not leaving enough money on the table to attract foreign investors. My Mining Law fathers explanation of how the "wool socking" 1872 Mining Law has been porously misunderstood by "the silk stocking and tie" lawyer that will not admit they were "mistaken" when fighting in open court where their only protection was hoping to have the judge on you side when it came to the rules of procedure "boo-boo", or "bo-hoo for your client. 1) The patenting of mining claims disappeared shortly after Bill Clinton's Spotted Owl "Forestry Act" that did away with independent "Gyppo" hand loggers, which in turn closed down Northwest Plywood Co-ops, that accidentally handed the right to be the only ones to export US logs to Asia, was a Canadian RET. An action similar to the disappearance of Texas wild-caters (again with a family connection) of having three relatives buried in the State centenary of outside of Austin. Including the first Severalty of State of the Republic, and first (again) Governor of Texas 2) Since a Oregon great grand uncle , appointed by Cousin Polk to the first Oregon Territory Supreme Court, untill he resigned to stampede to the Yuba Bar, at the start of the California Gold Rush, where while taking up the cause of Sutter owning a claim, it was decided individual stampeders should have a say in organizing the chaos, and protection of what was left of native American, and Chinese that due to clipper ships using prevailing winds to make it back to the port of New York, by going around the World, which gave the Catonize a time and distance advantage to become immigrants of what just had been a Bear Republic, where no-one understood placer mining problems, other than a small number of Chillians, and native Mexicans. So, it was resolved, by individual votes in various ming camps, or sometimes tongs, as Weaverville —all voted in what was to be a very honorable, authorized by Congress so we were told, "Code of the West", that after Peter Hardiman Burnett was elected California's first Governor, who he took it to Congress where as the Code of the West, which had has so many good peaceful ideas on how to share the wealth, was adopted, along with the Homestead, Railroad, and Timber grants, as the US Mining Law of 1872 that really big investment groups would love to overturn. Just as they did with their heavy hearted handling of something the government should not have gotten involved with in the overturn of Roe v Wade. What we do not want to is for Portland born, Oregonians (as myself) to disapear under a cloak of ... what was it, paid "antifia" agatiors (what exactly does that translate to),... just because the "Goose Hollow" Journalist, played by Warren Beatty, in "Reds" happens to be buried in the walls of the Kremlin. He, and I just happened to have a love for a certain Sequoia Tree "hugger" on his Grandfather's estate, as well as a journalists visa appreciation in the current "Who is really a Green Advocate" Carbon Credits debate, 3) I just watched the crazy old men debate (though I am older that both those younger man) concerning Veterans. I just happen to be a looser "McCain veteran" that kind of objects objects to a to a former Commander in Chief -In-Chief getting away with the TREASON, which leads me as a John McCain veteran with perhaps an Adrian Monk explanation on how I might have disappeared by driving off a dangerous FWD USFS road; or by jumping out a courthouse bathroom window cause I was depressed by a Super PACs appointed judges interpretation of my USAF Intel, twice awarded "outstanding unit award" for protecting my American First one step above Top Secret clearance when publishing the Atomic Secretes Code Books, we loaded into an attack safe aboard the now obsolete B-47, which also, thankfully excuses me from a lifetime commitment to Top Secret + for anything traitorous hidden in an ex Commander-in-Chief's, "oops." bathroom. As a proven military defender of what actually did make America Great (full circle from my Atomic Uranium days in Moab, Utah, to my Oregon Volcanic Minerals, as a Nepheline Synite "unique big deal" mountain supplying buy the ton http://ZEROcarbon-Cement.com (not very popular with the Portland Cement Association) I suggest that MAGA's General Bone-spurs should really be tried in a Military Courts Martial for Treason— which according to "politically correct" guidelines anymore is just a slap on the wrist. 4) And as SCOTUS seems to be embroiled with Hatch Act Violations, as reported on https://WesternMiner.com, where a final appeal was returned without of Secretary of Agriculture USDA/USFS Sonny Purdue certified mail response, as seen here, was returned with an all too familiar "DUH" without any written return comment, That Thank goodness that Native American;s —known to have worked with a Canadian company Cominco— was able to save a salmon run at the Red Dog Mine, Alaska, even though Sarah Palinn's Tea Pot "Dome" party prevailed with Alaska Department of Lands decisions (sorry, wrong address) against what used to be a www.AlaskaMining.com (1999 to 2016)), citizens loosing a PhtotVoltic battle. 5) This fifth wheel www.WesternMiner.com concern is how in the bloody hell did Donald Trump pull of the "Steal of the Century Heist" concerning the really BIG mining business? Especially when the preponderance of evidence, still, suggests that "once a criminal, always a crimical", now matter how many Pentecostal Pastors, calling a N-Word so-called practitioners in a J-Word's name—are in the violation of Jesus's only two commandment, found in Matthew 22:35–40, and Mark 12:28–34, where “Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second commandment being: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. " Which just happens to be where all the Biblical Laws where the the real Prophets judge on two commandments. Sorry, but as a former choir boy for three years in an an Espocialien choir boy copy of the famous Vienna boys choir International group that never quite figured out who the holy trinity was, know that I am just as confused as everyone how it has come to be that anything labeled "the golden rule" will ever come to be part of Trump-Economics, where villians go free? Sorry, again, for wondering off, trying to promote ideas in my head before, I saddle up "Charlie Horse" [www.BannerBooks.com] and cross the Big Divide. At the moment I am both horseless, and MotorHomeTraveler house less. I need a "TheProspector" grubstake credit line (backed by ECO-Minerals-Stockpile.com) of at least $1 million to https://ECO-Minerals-Stockpileto stake and develop at least two 50-50 additions carrying a split 5% continuing royalty, that could turn an unpatentable Nepheline Syenite, Roman/Chinese/Russian Cement into a very much desired International https://ZEROcarbon-Cement.com. The question that needs to be answered by the owner of 2,5 Million tons of ready to mine Nepheline Syenite —a replacement for non-longer acceptable Portland cement®— that at only $1 per in-place ton might be worth ... $250,000,000,000 million? Text me at 503-753-5868 to haggle. The starting price for in place www.FoamKrete.com starts at $100 per in-place ton, with a 2.5% royalty that would support a start-up company. |